November 8, 2021
- Pledge of Allegiance
Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7pm on Monday, November 8.
- Roll call
Trustee Jerry conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
Trustee Jerry, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson,
Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Supervisor Terry Holtz
Guests: None
Absent: Trustee Dannette McInturff
- Reviewing of prior months minutes
Trustee read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
- Reports
- Road Supervisor Terry –
- Purchases Needed:
- Need to buy a load of Grits and will start hauling Salt this week. He expects to haul 80-100 ton. Expects to haul only 40 ton now because that’s all he has space for currently.
- Jerry asked about a hoop house for salt in the future. Would need concrete flooring, barriers, and asphalt. Will look at this in the future. Current building is rotted and will need fixed.
- Questioned what to do with center supports for Cemetery? Jeff suggested scrap them.
- Also need 2 new tires for F550 before winter. He will get a price from Smetzers Tire and also Ohio Tire.
- Cemetery Updates:
- Burial on Tuesday for Edwards
- Road Work:
- All mowing is done and all roads are graded; moving logs off Timbuk
- Need dump spots for ditching – wants to re-do Riley Rd. Full at Shipley’s so need other places to dump. Lindsey suggested posting on McKean Township Citizens Facebook Group
- Equipment Updates:
- Waiting on a part (joystick) for the tractor – it is ordered; fixed the backhoe last week
- The backhoe needs some maintenance due to the salt. Jeff asked if he can paint it this winter.
- Other Updates:
- Mike Luciano has called Terry again – excavator will not fix driveway.
- Gosnell’s driveway on Lafayette Road needs corrected as well. Jeff will reach out to Jeremy Gosnell to see about fixing it.
- Taking off this Friday
- Zoning Inspector Larry –
- Updates –
- Trailer gone on Lundys Lane finally! 😊
- The cell phone tower on Wygles will be filled with AT&T. We cannot regulate these as part of Township Zoning. We do not need to sign the documentation provided.
- Working on a Letter for Jim Wall to address the issue based on what Tom Frederick attempted to do. We will give him 30 days to clean up his site.
- Applications –
- Ron Barber – Lot Split on Reynolds Road
- Larry sent new residence applications to the Trustees
- Robert and Amanda Golden – Home addition, Chestnut Hills
- Bernard Austermiller – building a new manufactured home and will tear down the singlewide trailer
- Denied an application to build a separate structure for a mother-in-law suite on Corner Road
- Paul Hill – Riley Road – residence application, but no well or septic permit yet so still working on this
- Marion Road – lot split
- Issues –
- Camping trailer south of school. Larry stopped to speak with someone but no one was there. Bethany Wydick is listed as the legal owner. Larry will send a letter to Ms. Wydick to vacate the trailer as it does not meet the zoning requirements for a residence.
- Camping trailer on Loudon. Bush property – the existing house is un-inhabitable. Reported observation by others are a man and woman are living in the camper. The property is owned by Bush daughter Amanda White. Trustee Dannette McInturff contacted Amanda who confirmed the camper on her property is her sister Anita DePietro and husband Thomas. Amanda doesn’t know if they are living there or not. Larry will type a letter, giving them 60 days to vacate the trailer as it does not meet the zoning requirements for a residence. He will attempt to hand deliver the letter. If no one is there, it will be mailed to the legal owner, Amanda White.
- Trustees
- Jeff brought up the backhoe painting and the need for ditching work.
- Old Business
Road Grader – Lindsey has the trustees sign the check and the Resolution to pay for the Road Grader. She is following up with Brad at the county Auditor’s office to find out if the Budget Commission approved and created the Amended Certificate of Resources. She explained how the process works when we receive funds and need to spend the funds.
Cemetery Deeds – Cheryl Vaia and her family sent a check for 4 lots. The Trustees signed the Deed. Lindsey will Notarize this, create a copy for our records, and get the copy to Bev.
Lindsey shared the bank balance and her Quarterly Record Books.
Jerry moved we approve the payment vouchers and paychecks, pay the bills, and sign all checks. Jeff seconded this.
- New Business
Dannette was not here to discuss GPS. Lindsey confirmed that it does not impact insurance in any way.
Jerry sent the Employee handbook sent to the County Prosecutor and is awaiting his response.
ODOT Stimulus – Jerry and Jeff continue to call the County Engineer and are not getting much feedback. Jeff will call him again 11/9/2021. Jerry has been working on an ODOT TIMS website where the roads are mapped, but he has a lot of questions still. Jeff and Jerry will meet with the Engineer as soon as they can schedule.
ARP Funds – Jerry will continue to research what to do with this.
New office – the office is finally complete and Jerry is waiting on an invoice.
- Motion to Adjourn General Meeting
Moved by Jerry
Seconded by Jeff