Home / Monthly Minutes / June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020

The McKean Township Trustees met June 8, 2020 for their regular meeting with Trustees Schwartzenberger, Wintermute, McInturff, and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call.  Also attending-Stan Robinson, zoning inspector and Terry Holtz, road supervisor.  After the pledge to the flag the trustees moved onto the zoning report.

Zoning-Stan stated the zoning commission board had cancelled their April meeting due to the covid-19 restrictions. They were to review updates to the zoning code. During the meeting,  Trustee McInturff  called the zoning commission president asking him to reschedule the meeting. The zoning inspector also stated he would be mailing out letters to several properties about cleaning up their properties. The trustees then agreed by motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustee Schwartzenberger, all agreed to increase the monthly salary for the zoning inspector.

Reports-The trustees then reviewed the fund balances, blanket certificates, and purchase orders.  Motion by Trustee McInturff, seconded Trustee Schwartzenberger, all agreed to approve and accept the reports.

Road Supervisor-The trustees discussed the property across the road and agreed to have Terry tear down the 2 buildings that were actually on the township property. The property survey pins were now visible and we were mowing our side with the rest of the cemetery. There was also discussion as to getting prices for a new cemetery bucket.

New Business-Prices for tack coat were given for Timbuk Road and Dry Creek Rd.  After much discussion as to the resurfacing of these roads, motion by Trustee Schwartzenberger, seconded Trustee McInturff, all agreed to use Small’s Asphalt Paving to resurface both roads. Trustee Wintermute will contact them. The Fiscal Officer then presented the letter from OPWC officer Abbey Dehart stating we were grant recipients for our OPWC application.  We will receive the project agreement July 1.  Trustee McInturff will contact the Prosecutor to prepare the bid packet and advertisement for project DQX07 Chatham Road.  After some discussion as to road conditions throughout the township, motion to adjourn our meeting by Trustee McInturff, seconded Trustee Schwartzenberger, all agreed.


Home / Monthly Minutes / June 8, 2020