Home / Monthly Minutes / December 9, 2019

December 9, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session December 9, 2019 with Trustees Wintermute, McInturff, Schwartzenberger, and Fiscal Officer answering roll call. After the pledge to the flag, the floor was open to the audience.

Audience-Thad Claggett, candidate for State Senate stopped in to introduce himself and answer any questions. Chris Myers, new owner of property on Sportsman Club Rd stopped in as the trustees had requested to discuss the property lines in question. Mr. Myers agreed as requested by the trustees to have the property surveyed to establish the disputed property lines. He was referred to Brian Smart, surveyor. Julie and Mike Quinn of Hankinson Rd stopped in to meet the trustees as they had just moved to McKean Township.

Zoning-Each trustee was given a report from Stan Robinson, zoning inspector. No permits were issued for the month, but he had received various phone calls about zoning.

Reports-Fund balance reports, bank balances, and blanket certificates for the month were presented. Motion by Trustee McInturff, sec-Trustee Wintermute, all agreed to accept all as presented.

Road Supervisor-It was agreed that no bucket trucks in our price range were available as of yet and the zoning inspector stated he would contact a tree person he knew for some prices. All agreed that all of the signs in the township should be checked. Terry stated we had salt ready for the bad weather.

Old Business-The cemetery panels of fence (50) were in the shop for repair. Terry was still checking on prices. The very high price Trustee Wintermute received for stripping the fence panels was rejected by the trustees.

New Business-Motion by Trustee Schwartzenberger, sec-Trustee McInturff, all agreed to pay all but one bill for the month. It will be reissued.

Don Dixon, member of the zoning commission and Beverly Keener, member of the appeal board had terms expiring December 30. Motion by Trustee Schwartzenberger, sec-Trustee McInturff, all agreed for another 5 year term for both Don Dixon and Beverly Keener.

Discussion then turned to pay for 2020. The Trustees could receive per diem or salary per month. Motion by Trustee Schwartzenberger, sec-Trustee McInturff, all trustees agreed to receive salary for year 2020 pay.

After discussion as to road conditions, motion to adjourn by Trustee Wintermute, sec-Trustee McInturff, all agreed.


Home / Monthly Minutes / December 9, 2019