Home / Monthly Minutes / June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019

The McKean Trustees met in regular session June 10, 2019 with Trustee Schwartzenberger,  McInturff, Wintermute, and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call. Also attending were Terry Holtz, road supervisor and Stanley Robinson, zoning inspector.  After the pledge to the flag and noting we had no audience attending, the Trustees moved on to their reports for the month.

ZONING-The zoning inspector turned in his signed bond to the township along with a listing of all zoning permits written since 1975.  He still has several years of permits to research before the list is complete.

REPORTS-The trustees then reviewed the fund balances, bank reconciliation, blanket certificates, purchase orders, minutes and bills for the month.  Motion by Trustee Mcinturff, seconded Trustee Wintermute, all agreed to accept all of the reports as presented.

ROAD SUPERVISOR-Terry stated that Hankinson Rd was in need of a catch basin and parts of Lafayette Rd needs to be re-ditched.  All trustees were in agreement. He also talked of lowering the culvert at Shipleys. The township has been receiving many calls about fallen trees blocking roads.  The trustees agreed to check prices on a bucket truck and check all roads for trees to be cut back in the fall. Terry stated the township parking lot has been graded and will be graded once more. When the parking lot is graded again we will discuss finishing with stone or asphalt grindings.  Our old gutters are still allowing water to run on the lot. Trustee Schwartzenberger received one bid from Merlin Mast for $1306.00 to remove existing old gutters on the front of the building and replacing with 6” aluminum gutters and downspouts. Motion by Trustee Schwartzenbereger, seconded Trustee McInturff, all agree to award the job to Merlin Mast.

Terry stated the mowing of the roads is almost complete for the first time around.

NEW BUSINESS-We were notified that the ford truck on order will be delayed another 16 weeks.  The trustees discussed checking around for other available trucks. Trustee Schwartzenberger is still awaiting word on any cemetery grants.  The trustees all agreed that our current mower of all cemeteries was doing a wonderful job. Trustee Wintermute agreed to get chip seal prices for a few of our roads. With no further business before the board, motion to adjourn by Trustee McInturff, all agreed.


Home / Monthly Minutes / June 10, 2019