Home / Monthly Minutes / December 11, 2023

December 11, 2023

  1. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, December 11.

The following members were present:

  1. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Dannette McInturff, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from October was completed with motion to accept by Larry and second by Jeff.

  1. Guests Discussion

Rod Bruning, AtoZ Tree Experts

Currently supply tree service for Jersey and Burlington Townships, Licking County, and also the City of Newark in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

  • Discussed what services they provide and how they operate
  • Asked that he ride the roads with Bradd and get a proposal back to us by the January meeting – will email to Lindsey and will be shared with Trustees
  • We will also reach out to Hardwick Tree Care for a 2nd

 Wes Dodsworth, McKean Community Organization

  • Boy Scouts Tree sale held – sold 20 trees
  • Township Roads Report – Bradd

Looking for someone to install insulation in the building.  Dannette will call NCI again and Bradd will get a 2nd quote from who provided the 1st quote.

Also received quotes for equipment to clean out the back fence row of the cemetery which Bill and Bradd could do.  Jeff moved we clear out the fence rows of trees and bruch in all cemeteries.  Seconded by Dannette.  Bradd and Bill will have this completed by end of 1st Quarter, 2024.

Hooks were purchased to organize and store tools in the shop.

We need new tires for the truck.  Bradd will call Bob Cline, Millersburg Tire, and Ohio Tire for a quote.

Silco Fire invoice was excessive compared to Newark Fire Extinguisher’s bill from last year.  Jerry will be calling them to ask for adjustments prior to paying.

  1. Zoning Report – Larry

Larry attached his Zoning activity for the month of November.  Attached w/ Minutes.  Larry reviewed questions from residents with the Trustees.

The situation at 2168 Sportman Club Road has been turned over to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office.

  1. Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey

Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity.  Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented.  Motion made by Jeff and seconded by Jerry.

Email regarding Licking County Recycling was shared with Kayla Jones to be posted to our website.  It includes a schedule of pickups in all of the county including ours.

RD Holder and United Propane accounts were both cancelled.  United Propanes’ tank was emptied and will be picking it up.  Bradd and Alan Doup @ CoAlliance continue to be in contact.

Spectrums’ 2nd service was cancelled and should be off the bill in 2024.

Mail shared with Trustees including a billing schedule from Pete Griggs for annual attorney services and a notice from Olen regarding the ceasing of brine sales for roads.

Temporary Appropriations for 2024 passed so business can continue as usual into 2024.  Dannette moved, and Jerry seconded the passing of Resolution 23-03.

  1. Trustees Report

Discussed Zoning Board appointments, expiration dates, and the desire to appoint by the December meeting.  Terms to be appointed expire 12/31/2026, 12/31/2027, and 12/31/2028 for both Zoning and Variance Boards.  We still do not have appointments and commitments to fill all terms.  This must be on the January meeting agenda.

 Entrance to the Township signs need replaced per Jerry.

  • Motion to Adjourn General Meeting
    1. Moved by Dannette McInturff
    2. Seconded by Jeff Wintermute


Home / Monthly Minutes / December 11, 2023