Home / Monthly Minutes / March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024

  1. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

Jeff Wintermute called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, March 11th.

The following members were present:

  1. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce
  2. Guests

Chris and Kathy Howald, Lundys Lane

Questions regarding splitting their property and/or sharing a driveway.

Kristy Hawthorne, Licking County Soil and Water

Package Sewer Plant discussion.  Chad Brown sent a letter to the EPA against the draft permit.  We cannot Zone against these.

They also have funds available for log jams debris fields.  They have a watershed specialist, Kyle Seitz, available to come out and evaluate to provide input for us.

They also have a new Ag Technician, Taylor Coy, who will be visiting the county this month.  They have funds from H2 Ohio programs as well.

They also have their Farmland Preservation program which has become very active.  This applies to any farm over 40 acres.

  • Township Roads Report – Bradd

Using new cold patch and it’s working well.  Discussed plans for potholes and grading.

Continue working on Old Colony cemetery treeline and it is about done.  Currently taking out the hedgeapple tree.  We reviewed fencing quotes given last year and also discussed Bradd and Bill installing the fence.

  • Trustee Dannette moved that McKean Township personnel install woven fence along 3 sides of the cemetery. The road facing portion will not be fenced
  • If the adjacent property owner wishes to purchase the property, they will need to pay for a resurvey and the adjustment of the fence.  It will be completed by the end of April.
  • Motion was tabled until Trustee Jeff could receive a quote from Mohican Valley Fencing and Fiscal Officer Lindsey will call Spring Meadow Fencing. Larry will provide a footage map for quotes.

Reviewed truck bill for repair.  We have spent almost $9,000 in repair bills in 2 months.  Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson asked when we would consider investing in a new truck.

Tree removal is at 30% complete.

NCI Insulation would not provide an estimate for insulation due to uniqueness of construction.  The other option is to install a false ceiling and insulate this.  We will continue to evaluate options by next meeting.

Trustee Jerry has a company coming to review the roof repair March 12.

  1. Cemetery Report – Bev

The Trustees made proposed changes to the new deed and gave to Bev for further adjustments and completion.

  1. Zoning Report – Larry

Larry shared his Zoning Report.

Trustee Dannette moved to accept Bill Hoskinson to fill the unexpired term ending 12.31.2026 for the Zoning Appeals Board; moved to accept Kurt Nightingale to fill the unexpired term of 12.31.2023 on the Zoning Board; and DeAnn Nightingale as an alternate on the Zoning Board.  Voted and Passed.

  1. Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey

Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity.  Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented.  Motion made by Trustee Jeff and seconded by Trustee Jerry.

The building needs cleaned on a more routine basis.  Trustee Dannette will discuss with the Building crew.

Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson presented T3’s Lawn Service quote for $7,800.  Trustee Dannette moved to accept the bid, seconded by Trustee Jerry.

Lindsey shared the schedule for the upcoming Local Government Services conference she is attending, and reminded the Trustees to give her information for any trainings they attend so she can retain it in her file.

  • Trustees Report

Trustee Jerry attended the DAC meeting on our behalf.

Trustee Jeff brought forth a discussion regarding Solar Panels.  Several townships in Knox County have created resolutions against these.  We will table for another meeting.  Larry provided a resource from other townships on this.

 Motion to Adjourn General Meeting at 9:30pm

    1. Moved by Trustee Jeff Wintermute

Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger


Home / Monthly Minutes / March 11, 2024