Home / Monthly Minutes / April 8, 2024

April 8, 2024

  1. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, April 8th.

The following members were present:

  1. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce
  2. Guests

Wes Dodsworth, MCO Organization

Baseball tournament was held at the Park and was very successful.

They continue to rent out the building for baby showers and 4-H meetings.

The officers are Bill Davies, President; Mandy Davies, Treasurer.  There is not a Secretary and they do not have elections because of limited attendance by others.

Wes asked for help fixing or replacing the flag.  Bradd and Bill will do this.

Their next meeting is April 16th @ 7pm.

Mike and Julie Quinn, Hankinson Road

Attending to be part of the meeting.

Doug Barr, Madison Township

Brought invoice for chip seal work they conducted for us in 2023.  Bill was paid in full.  The work was completed in November in 2023, and bill was first brought to our Township today 4/8/2024.

McKean, Madison, and MaryAnn Township have joint ownership with a Road Chipper.  It stays in Madison Townships possession, but it is available for our use when we need it.  In 2024, there was a hydraulic failure and the repair bill will amount to $5,000 per each township.  Doug will pay for the repairs and give us a bill for payment.  Payment to be expected in June’s meeting.

  • Trustee Jerry moved to do a Supplemental Appropriation for this expense, Trustee Jeff seconded. Motion passed by all Trustees.
  •  Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson to prepare Appropriation for May meeting to be signed.

Township Roads Report – Bradd

They have a lot of cleanup to do in ditches from water.  Started on Chatham Road and part of Cat Run Road.

A Resident on Cat Run Road notified us of an issue with a culvert.  Bradd has been working with them to fix.  Bradd has been spending a lot of time unplugging culverts.

Riley Road needs a culvert repair and a local resident who lives there is willing to repair themselves which Bradd okayed.

Tree removal is at 30% complete.  Note Special Meeting Minutes where Hardwick stated they are at 75% complete.  Bradd supplied list of roads left to complete which was signed and initialed by Derrick Hardwick and Bradd Bruce.

Trustee Jerry asked about Lafayette Road issues.  He also had questions about Dry Creek.  Lindsey voiced concerns about Chatham Road, washing out in front  of Tom Schwartzenbergers.  Lindsey also asked if we ever get help from other townships with roads due to the sheer number of road miles and only having 1 fulltime and 1 parttime employee.  Bradd noted that he is getting to all the roads as quick as he can.

  1. Zoning Report – Larry

Larry shared his Zoning Report.

Larry also shared that there is a car on Chatham Road North.  Larry will work with the Trustees to do a Resolution that the car be removed.

Lindsey provided minutes from the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.  Lindsey will reach out to Tara for minutes from the Zoning Meeting.

Dannette will reach out to the County Prosecutor regarding another issue.

  1. Cemetery Report – Bev

There was a burial last Friday; the Deed was prepared and signed by all Trustees with the Fiscal Officer notarizing their signatures.

  • Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey

Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity.  Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented.  Motion made by Trustee Dannette and seconded by Trustee Jeff.

Fiscal Officer Lindsey asked about the Crossroads Community Planning bill.  This is to be paid from ARPA funds from the January meeting approval.

General Correspondence included a letter from the Licking County Board of Commissioners regarding solar.  Trustee McInturff moved that we address this at the next meeting in May.

Fiscal Officer Lindsey brought forth the ongoing question regarding insurance.  She provided the prior Resolution.  Trustee Dannette will further research.

Jerry attended the training session for the Trustees regarding “Trustee Responsibilities.”

For our current Public Records request, The County Records department will tell you what you need to keep.  They will come out and help you work through the boxes if need be.

ARPA reporting is in the works and Lindsey will let the group know when complete.

  1. Trustees Report

The Dry Creek road project recommended in the Special Meeting has ceased.  United Aggregates withdraws their bid.  Jerry received an email from Brad Mercer, Licking County Planning, providing instructions regarding the process for removing the log jam.  Jerry will continue to take the lead on this issue.

We have not received a 2nd quote on the fencing from Ryan Grant.  We need to receive a 2nd quote to make a decision.

Trustee Dannette shared a bid from Custom Cutters.  It is currently outside the realm of our budget so we will put this on hold for now.

Trustee Jerry brought forth a rough estimate and presentation by Technical Roofing of St. Henry to re-roof the building.  This may improve our ability to keep the building insulated.

 Motion to Adjourn General Meeting at 9:10pm

    1. Moved by Trustee Dannette McInturff

Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger


Home / Monthly Minutes / April 8, 2024