Home / Monthly Minutes / October 15, 2024
October 15, 2024
Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Tuesday, October 15. The following members were present: Approval of September’s minutes, moved by Dannette and seconded by Jerry. Doug Barr, Madison Township Presented bill for Chip Spreader maintenance. Our share is $5,000. Discussed what to do with equipment as there are issues with it. They purchased a new machine and are deciding how to handle disposing of the old. Hot mix completed on Phillipps and Riley. Feedback given on additional road work to do. Chris helped on this project. Have been ditching on Lafayette Road. Mowing should be done tomorrow. Jeff asked that he mow further up the hill on Chatham Road. Dannette brought up the issues with the roof in the shop now that we will start using the furnace. The building needs insulated as well. Bill Waller has a plan to fix and would like to meet with the Trustees. Dannette asked that they all meet with Bill in the shop on October 21st to explore ideas to fix the issue and begin the process of correction. Meeting will be 8:30am. Larry said it was a light month for permits. One BZA meeting. Several inquiries about a property for sale with multiple residences. One property may end up applying for a conditional use permit. One resident asked to build a barn and had permit questions. Not in attendance. Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity. Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented. Motion made by Trustee McInturff and seconded by Trustee Wintermute. Fund 2272 has $12,069.90 remaining which needs to be spent by 12/31/24. Planned usage will be for insulation and building repair to reduce heat costs. Fund 2031 may have overages for employment expenses if we continue to use Chris for parttime help. The current plan is to use him only as needed. Lindsey to confirm all employee documents are in files prior to next meeting. We made the last payment on the Road Grader tonight. Shared general communication received for the month – Need to determine Best Practices on password locations in case of emergency. All Employees in Attendance took the Ohio Fraud Training together. It was an 8 minute training which we all watched. Certificate completed. Dannette attended September 26, 2024 Licking County Commissioner’s hearing on vacating remaining original 1826 plot map alleys in Fredonia. Commissioners will vote to approve to vacate in October. Trustees to review LC Auditor’s records and submit to Commissioners to vacate any remaining plotted alleys along the 661 corridor including Highwater area by end of 2024. No additional reports. Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger
Home / Monthly Minutes / October 15, 2024