Home / Monthly Minutes / April 8, 2019

April 8, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session April 8, 2019 with Trustee Wintermute, McInturff, Schwartzenberger, and Fiscal Officer answering roll call.  After the pledge to the flag the chairman addressed the audience.

Audience-Licking County Prosecutor William Hayes and Dan Vanoy were present to discuss the right procedure to collect outstanding property taxes and possibly on to foreclosure.  The Trustees thanked the two for stopping in. Wes Dodsworth stopped in to discuss the trash collection at the park. The trustees agreed they would have a dumpster put in during the baseball season and the rest of the year they would use a tote at the building at the park.

Zoning-Tom Frederick reported 4 permits written and several letters mailed to residents during the month.  Tom then stated with paperwork getting heavier in the two townships he works for besides McKean, he would be leaving McKean Zoning position effective June 10.  The Trustees discussed trying to fill the position by then and Trustee Schwartzenberger agreed to contact several people about the position. The Trustees then thanked Tom for his service to the township.

Reports-The trustees reviewed the fund balances, purchase orders and bank reconciliation.  Motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustee Schwartzenberger, all agreed to accept as presented.

Road Supervisor-Terry Holtz, road supervisor, stated they had been doing a lot of ditch work and culverts and were not done yet.  The trustees agreed to his request to order road closed signs. They stated he could order the signs and any other sign updates needed for the township.  After discussing conditions of most of the roads, motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee McInturff, seconded Trustee Wintermute, all agreed.


Home / Monthly Minutes / April 8, 2019