Home / Monthly Minutes / December 13, 2021

December 13, 2021

Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7pm on Monday, December 13.

II Roll Call

Trustee Dannette conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:

Trustee Dannette, Trustee Jerry, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson

Guests: None

Absent:  Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Road Supervisor Terry Holtz, Zoning Inspector

Larry Hansel

III Reviewing of prior months minutes

Trustee read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

IV Reports

a) Road Supervisor Terry – in his absence, he made it known he was going to be grading Riley Road.  Terry purchased blades for the snow plow and the mower

b) Zoning Inspector Larry – in his absence, he submitted a report of last month’s and current month’s zoning.

c) Trustees – Christmas bonus checks to be given to Terry and John. Jerry brought up the idea of a fireproof safe

V Old Business

Reviewed time sheets.

VI New Business

Lindsey shared the bank balance and her Quarterly Record Books

Lindsey discussed year-end procedures including UAN back-ups, passing a 2022 temporary budget, and processes to end 2020/2021

Jerry moved we approve the payment vouchers and paychecks, pay the bills, and sign all checks.  Dannette seconded this.

Received Engineer’s estimate for Riley Road paving of $594,682.74 for 9/10ths of a mile of road.  We will not be pursuing it at this time – the grant is such that we would have to make up at $300,000 difference

Discussed HR policies and updates

VII Motion to Adjourn General Meeting

Moved by Dannette, Seconded by Jerry


Home / Monthly Minutes / December 13, 2021