Home / Monthly Minutes / December 2022

December 2022

The McKean Township meeting was called to order by President Dannette Mcinturff at 6:55 p.m.
Dannette led the pledge and roll call. All was present, absent was Fiscal Officer Lindsey.
Guest present was Rob Schaadt from Granville Twp .
Trustees signed the Fire and EMS contract. Will need the resolution ID number.
Road Supervisor Bradd talked about the stone being put down on Phillips, Hankinson, Sunnyside, and Mt
Herman Rds.
Graded Riley Rd. Parts of Chatham have been ditched.
Parts for the salt spreader have been ordered.
Lighting for the Hoop Building have been checked into alnd the electrical panel is fine
Need to check into a new furnace and will need to have 2 estimates.
Insulation for the shop also need to get estimates.
Bradd and Bill will attend a training on December 14, 2022 on Asphalt Preservation.
Jeff made a motion to: replace the hood on the Mini Hoe, at a cost of $1000.00 from Ohio Cat. Dannette
second. Jeff and Danette approve, Jerry nay.
Bradd will be signed up for a 2 week program for his CDL license through United Ag in Mt Vernon.
Minutes were signed and approved. Checks are signed.
Zoning Inspector Larry~ talked about cell phone towers. We cannot charge for them to be put up so the
cost was removed from the price sheet.
He talked about Alley abandonment and have the wording changed to easement of necessity.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00


Home / Monthly Minutes / December 2022