Home / Monthly Minutes / February 12, 2025
February 12, 2025
Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, February 12th. The following members were present: Approval of January’s minutes, moved by Dannette and seconded by Jerry. Review and Signing of Bank Reconciliation, and checks. Bradd was unable to attend, but provided a written report for the month. Report to be included with Minutes. Shared Zoning Activity up to February 12, 2025. Zoning Board has been meeting every Tuesday and providing Minutes and Attendance for the Records. Trustee Schwartenberger has been attending as the Board Representative. Larry has been working on a Proposal for Driveways for our Zoning Resolution. They are continuing to work through the entire Manual. Dannette shared an update on recent issue regarding a neighboring complaint. Official requests for BZA Hearing transcripts have been unanswered for this same issue in 2022. Lindsey is receiving a new printer from UAN and Larry will receive hers once her new one arrives. One burial recently. Had a resident requesting information about lots. Bev received the “10 over 60” Award for Licking County! Further discussion was had about moving the paying of mowing to the General Fund. A Resolution for this will be provided at the March meeting. Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity. Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented. Motion made by Trustee Schwartzenberger and seconded by Trustee McInturff. Dannette officially withdrew the complaint against 2168 Sportsman Club Road. We should be expecting a bill. So far, we have had 3 requests for a Trash Bid. They will bring in a bid packet on the day the Bids are due. We have been posting Public Notices in The Advocate and also on our website. Motion to Adjourn General Meeting at 9:00pm Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger
Home / Monthly Minutes / February 12, 2025