Home / Monthly Minutes / July 13, 2020
July 13, 2020
The McKean Township Trustees met for their regular meeting Monday, July 13, 2020 with all trustees and Fiscal Officer answering roll call. After the pledge to the flag they continued on to audience.
Audience-Rob Small was present from Small’s Asphalt. As agreed at the bid opening meeting, the trustees were ready to award the bid for the paving of Chatham Rd. Motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustee McInturff, all agreed to award the contract to Small’s Asphalt. The state contract was then signed by the Township and Rob Small. Tim Smith of Evolution Ag stopped in to answer questions about tractors, mowers, and time frame of delivery during the current pandemic which should be around September. Motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustees Schwartznberger, all agreed to purchase the tractor and mower for approximately $124,935. from Evolution Ag. Tim then discussed various financing institutions that the township could apply with.
Zoning-The zoning inspector stated the McKean Zoning Board had their meeting and agreed upon some recommended changes for our zoning code. They were forwarded to the County Planning Commission for approval and will be sent to the trustees for a hearing in the township. He then discussed the property at 3114 Dry Creek. After discussion with the County Prosecutor office as to which way to approach the problem, motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustee McInturff, no vote Trustee Schwartzenberger for the Trustees to send a letter to the property owner. The property just south of Fredonia on North St was then discussed. Renters Michael Daley and Katy Wodford stopped into our meeting stating the loader on the property would be leaving and they owned the 3 vehicles.
Road Supervisor-Doug Barr, Madison twp Trustee was present with spouse to discuss equipment. We currently have a signed agreement with Madison allowing use of labor and equipment as needed. Madison is purchasing a power chip spreader and is asking several townships for $7500. Each for use of this equipment. Motion by Trustee Wintermute, seconded Trustee McInturff, all agreed to the $7500.00. Terry reported that all roads had been mowed and the mower was repaired. He then discussed Timbuk Rd. The owner of Timbuk is wanting to put a 12” culvert under the road. The trustees agreed as long as Terry was present at the time of placement.
New Business-Motion by Trustee McInturff, seconded Trustee Schwartzenberger, all agreed to pay the monthly bills and accept the blanket certificates, purchase orders, and fund balances. After much discussion as to zoning and road conditions, the trustees thanked all that attended the meeting. Motion to adjourn by Trustee McInturff, seconded Trustee Wintermute, all agreed.
Home / Monthly Minutes / July 13, 2020