Home / Monthly Minutes / July 8, 2024

July 8, 2024

  1. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, July 8.

The following members were present:

  1. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce

Approval of June’s minutes, moved by Dannette and seconded by Jerry.

  1. Guests –


Karston Harris of Reynolds Road and Adam and Ashley Shipley of Riley Road

Shared concern with the Trustees about the traffic on Riley Road and the maintenance improvements that need to be made.  Jeff shared obstacles with Issue One funding.  Karston shared issues with the ditching, irrelevant of making any type of permanent improvement.  He is opposed to chip and sealing again without improving the ditching.

Jeff felt that we could tailgate asphalt grindings down the center of the road the entire length and run the drag on it to compact.  Karston shared that there is a hole that needs dug out and refilled.

Adam shared that they have supplied material on their own over the years and is asking the Trustees to provide more material.  The dust clouds are extreme on the road and he also discussed how Burlington township covers their roads in Asphalt grindings and it seems to control dust.  The west of Reynolds Road has not had material in years.  Jeff shared that grindings are hard to come by.  Adam asked what the plan is for the short-term.  Jeff shared there isn’t one.  Ashley shared that the bus will not come down their road in the winter and the post office will not deliver mail in the winter.

Adam asked if he can provide the truck and find the grindings, will we reimburse him?  The Trustees did not agree.  Jeff shared he would get back with Adam once we complete the project with Small’s.

Chris and Kathy Howalt of 1583 Lundy’s Lane.  Came to ask about Comprehensive Plan update.  Asked for additional info on Zoning change to allow for shared driveways.  Shared that Mitch Flowers at the Engineers office stated he doesn’t have enough site line to split the property into 2 lots each with its’ own driveway.  The Trustees shared input on benefits of reducing the speed limit and asked them to go back to the Engineers.

Comprehensive Plan

Jim Bidigare

Sent out changes to his team of the Plan.  Crossroads helped tremendously by providing a matrix to execute the plan.  The focus of the plan is to keep things small and rural in nature.  They plan to maintain the 5-acre minimum for construction and this plan helps maintain a desired outcome.

The Trustees would like Crossroads to assist our Zoning Board with updating our Zoning Resolution.  Jim Bidigare is now the chair of the Zoning Board and will reach out to them to engage.  Once we submit a Zoning Resolution, it is close to 9 months to get formally approved by the County due to review by Prosecutors Office and Planning Commission office.  Dannette asked that we use Crossroads to expedite this and if Crossroads cannot help us we need to engage with another company for the same purpose.

Resolution 6-2024 was completed and signed at this meeting.


Wes Dodsworth

Baseball is still ongoing.  Lindsey brought forth that Josh Scarberry had reached out to her asking for donations so Lindsey asked Wes if the MCO supports the ball teams financially and Wes stated that no financial reports want to be shared.  Neither Bill nor Josh have approached McKean Township.

Wes provided an update on Boy Scouts.  They hold their meetings at the MCO.

  • Township Roads Report – Bradd

Philips Road has been ditched.

Lafayette Road has 4-5 weeks of work to do before Smalls can start their project.

Dannette asked if we can devote a few days ditching to solve the Riley Road issue – Jeff said there was not enough time.  Dannette said she will reach out to a few companies she knows that may have time to do the work.  Whoever we hire must carry their own insurance.  Lindsey will require proof of insurance for any company we use.

We also discussed placing someone on Payroll temporarily.  Lindsey stated this is possible with an Appointment.

  1. Zoning Report – Larry

Larry provided his report for the month of June.  He discussed his report and there were no questions or concerns by Trustees.

  1. Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey

Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity.  Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented.  Motion made by Trustee McInturff and seconded by Trustee Wintermute.

2nd quarter 941 and ODJFS reports were filed today.  Monthly tax and retirement payments were made yesterday.

  • Trustees Report

No additional reports.

 Motion to Adjourn General Meeting at 9:15pm

    1. Moved by Trustee Dannette McInturff

Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger


Home / Monthly Minutes / July 8, 2024