Home / Monthly Minutes / June 13, 2022

June 13, 2022

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7pm on Monday, June 13.

  1. Roll call

The following members were present:

Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Dannette McInturff, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Road Supervisor Bradd Bruce,

Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Assistant Bev Hansel

No absences.

Guests:  Granville Township Chief Casey Curtis, Trustee Rob Schaadt; resident and zoning member Bill O’Neill; resident and zoning board chair Dustin Schwartzenberger.

  • Reviewing of prior months minutes

Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson provided prior months minutes.
Dannette moved to approve the prior months minutes and Jeff seconded.

  1. Guest Discussion

Granville Township, Fire Chief Casey Curtis and Trustee Rob Schaadt:

Provided attachment outlining runs provided for the past 2 years and 2022 YTD.

Our 5-year agreement ends with Granville Township in 2022, and want to start planning.  They passed a $2mil levy in Granville Township to make their effective rate $5.5mils.

They are asking us to pass a $2mil levy which will almost double our effective rate.  We would need to put this on our Ballot by August 10th.  Dannette will reach out to the County Prosecutor for next steps.  We will place this on the Agenda for July’s meeting.

  1. Old Business

Resolutions to Amend Appropriations provided:

Approved May 9th – Moved within the General Fund to pay Bev as assistant and pay Larry’s raise

Approved May 9th – to appoint Bev Hansel as Assistant to Fiscal Officer

Approved May 31st – to move funds within the Unappropriated Balance to fund Other Salaries for new road employees

  1. New Business and Reports

Road Supervisor Report


They have been working on Lafayette Road.  They dug it down, applied #304, and then Asphalt Grindings.  He continues to run the drag over it to keep the stone on the road.

Dragged all gravel roads and top dressed all roads.  Started Mowing the roads.


Installed the new blade on the grader

 Zoning Inspector Report

Larry provided a Zoning Report which will be on file at the township building.


Provided information about Mockingbird Hill Subdivision to the county.

Discussed Zoning violations and letters that will go out.

Fiscal Officer Report

Provided last months’ reconciled bank statements, bills paid since last meeting, and credit card statement with receipts.

Bills and statements provided and for review to be paid at tonight’s meeting.

Payroll checks provided to be signed.

Motion made to accept these financials, bills paid and provided at meeting tonight, and payroll made by Dannette McInturff and seconded by Jerry Schwartzenberger.

Contract to review:

United Propane contract provided with a Price Lock which ends on April 2023.  Trustees to review and table discussion until next meeting.

Zoning Fees:

We approved the amended fees at the last meeting.  Need to be sure those are posted out front so residents can see.

New Resolution to Amend Appropriation provided:

To approve use of Direct Deposit of paychecks via EFT through Park National Bank for all wages.


We continue to have an issue receiving a number because we do not know the year of origination/year of TIN.  I sent another request for research.

Covid Reporting:

Filed the report due April 30th.  Delay was due to no SAM #. However, I filed the report anyway and am waiting on a response.  We need to appropriate these funds and plan how we will spend these funds.

 Trustee Reports

Follow-up to Fire Discussion – moved to table the discussion and invite Granville Township back to the July meeting for further discussion.

Zoning and Zoning Resolution – Dannette suggested training for Zoning Board.  She has an Attorney who can provide this for our Board for a fee.  We also discussed filling the vacant positions on the Zoning board and providing alternates.

Dannette moved that we engage_____(name of attorney)_______________________  for training for Zoning in our Township.  Jeff Wintermute seconded.  Additional information to follow.

Bill O’Neill voiced concern and frustration about Board of Zoning’s recent decision.

Jeff provided estimates for laying block for the salt building.  He is still waiting on another quote.

  • Motion to Adjourn General Meeting

Moved by Dannette McInturff

Seconded by Jeff Wintermute


Home / Monthly Minutes / June 13, 2022