Home / Monthly Minutes / May 10, 2021

May 10, 2021

The McKean Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on May 10, 2021. The meeting was called to order by President Dannette McInturff with Trustees Wintermute, Schwartzenberger, Deputy Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, McKean Township Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, McKean Township Road Superintendent Terry Holtz in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Discussion by public audience –

  1. Kurt and Deanne Nightingale attended the meeting. They live at 7619 North Street and would like to get more involved in township business.

Reports –

  1. Deputy Fiscal Officer
    a. Update on progress – reviewed what has been done so far
  2. Road Supervisor
    a. Wince Road and Riley Road – request for paving
    b. Question brought forth regarding use of 8’s instead of 57’s as they are cheaper
    Motion made to do a trial on Riley Road and have it tailgated
    c. Madison Township may sell their road grader that we use.
    d. Residents inquiring about cemetery plots
  3. Zoning Inspector
    a. Permits
    i. has issued 5 permits this month – 3 ag buildings, a porch, and Phillips Road
    ii. will start notifying county via email monthly and copy in Trustees, prior to each monthly meeting
    b. Other
    i. Lot split, Zoning issue, John Schmidt @ Fredonia Mall wants to build a farmers market shed (working with Planning Commission)
    ii. Phillips Road Subdivision – 2 lots have sold
    iii. Cul De Sac – Phillips Road

Old Business –

New Business –

  1. Dannette McInturff, Trustee, discussed the need to bring the UAN computer up to date which includes 2020 and 2021 information. She moved that we release the UAN computer and all supporting documents received from retired Fiscal Officer Phyllis Ellas to Deborah Morgan, State of Ohio Auditor’s Visiting Clerk, who will update the books. Motion 2nd by Jeff Wintermute. Motion passed. Lindsey to give computer to Deb by end of the week.
  2. Employees – Deputy Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson asked that all sign an updated w-4 and I-9. Forms were passed and all signed.
  3. Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee, gave an update on the office being built inside the Township meeting room. All Fiscal Officer documents and computers will remain in the Township House upon completion.
  4. Jeff Wintermute, Trustee, proposed hiring John Foster as part-time road employee to replace former part-time help who retired and moved out of state.

Needs for a 2nd employee due to the abundance of work including:
i. Snow plowing – spread grits on dirt roads, spread salt on paved roads
ii. Road grading and patching – 26 miles of roads, 10 ½ of which remain gravel
iii. Mowing roads – 52 lane miles to mow, 2 passes in Spring, 3 passes in Fall
iv. Hauling dirt spoils from ditching
v. Equipment and building maintenance
Trustees interviewed, discussed and approved hiring. John has a good driving record and Class A CDL. He will be scheduled for drug screen. Start date will begin upon receipt of passing drug screen results.

  1. A letter from Fiscal Officer, Phyllis Ellas was received notifying the Board of Trustees of her decision to officially retire effective April 30, 2021. A copy of the retirement letter was sent to State of Ohio Auditor’s Visiting Clerk Deborah Morgan and McKean Twp legal representation, Matthew Stewart of Licking County Prosecutor’s office.
  2. The Board of Trustees all expressed their gratitude and sadness with the retirement of Phyllis. She held her office since her initial appointment in 1982 following the death of her father-in-law Norman Ellas who was the clerk at that time. Phyllis is known as the “Matriarch” of Licking County Township Clerks/Fiscal officers throughout the county. Many new clerks/fiscal officers sought her out for advice and counsel on how to do their job. Her dedication, tenacity, ethics, memory/recall and leadership is legendary. The citizens of McKean were fortunate to have her as their clerk/fiscal officer for almost 40 yrs.

Other Items –

  1. Payroll checks were signed
  2. Bill payment checks were reviewed, approved and signed by Trustees
  3. Next regular meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2021

Recorded/submitted by: Deputy Fiscal Officer, Lindsey Hoskinson


Home / Monthly Minutes / May 10, 2021