Home / Monthly Minutes / November 13, 2023

November 13, 2023

I. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township
at 7:00pm on Monday, November 13th.

The following members were present:
a. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Dannette McInturff, Trustee Jeff
Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel,
Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel,
b. Not present: Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce
Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from October was completed with
motion to accept by Larry and second by Jeff.

II. Guests Discussion
John Hower, Rinehart, Walters Danner Insurance
Reviewed our policy renewal with us including increases to coverage.
They do not depreciate equipment on our policy so we get full coverage.
They do depreciate autos, however.
Lony and Tina Lawrence, 8811 Marion Road NE
Wes Dodsworth, McKean Community Organization
Josh Kunkel, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Licking County
Dannette brought up several Zoning issues in our area we are working to resolve.
Discussed Zoning positions which have expired and how to remedy.

III. Township Roads Report – Bradd
No report

IV. Zoning Report – Larry
Larry attached his Zoning activity for the month of October. Attached w/
Minutes. Larry reviewed questions from residents with the Trustees.
Discussed Zoning Board appointments, expiration dates, and the desire to appoint
by the December meeting. Terms to be appointed expire 12/31/2026, 12/31/2027,
and 12/31/2028 for both Zoning and Variance Boards. Lindsey sent the list of
Zoning and Variance board members to the Trustees.

V. Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey
Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts,
Payments, and Fund Activity. Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic
bills and all checks presented. Motion made by Jeff and seconded by Jerry.

Cemetery discussion regarding sale of a portion that is unused determined we
would need to research burial plots before selling any portion of that land.
Legally the Township cannot sell the land unless we are 100% sure there is no
one buried on that land.
RD Holder and United Propane accounts were both cancelled. We are waiting for
tanks to be emptied out by use for CoAlliance to install their tanks. Bradd and
Alan Doup @ CoAlliance continue to be in contact.
Also reviewed topics in the OTA magazine. Discussed signing up for the
Township Education Subscription – was approved and we will proceed.

VI. Trustees Report – none

VII. Motion to Adjourn General Meeting
a. Moved by Dannette McInturff
b. Seconded by Jeff Wintermute


Home / Monthly Minutes / November 13, 2023