Home / Monthly Minutes / November 15, 2024

November 15, 2024

  1. Call to order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, November 11.

The following members were present:

  1. Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Road Superintendent Bradd Bruce

Cemetery Assistant Bev Hansel not in attendance.

Approval of October’s minutes, moved by Dannette and seconded by Jerry.

  1. Guests –

Jake Heffron, Rumpke

Came to discuss renewal of contract as it is up in 2025.  Provided an Addendum to the current contract with us.

They would like to ask for a 5% increase.  Rates included in his presentation.

Sr. Citizens already get a 10% discount (anyone over age of 65 can call into customer service and provide ID to get the discount.)

Trustee McInturff contacted the county prosecutors office to determine if simply signing an Addendum is enough.  Once we receive our answer we will move forward with signing.

            Doug Barr, Madison Township

Doug provided the check back to us that we wrote for the chipper to be voided.     They decided they did not need to bill us for this afterall.

John Hower, Rinehart Walters and Danner Insurance

            Reviewed policy for the 2025 upcoming year.

  • Township Roads Report – Bradd

Patching done on roads that were needed.  Trustees provided input on additional pot holes and wash boarding that needs fixed.  Culvert on Lundys Lane fixed – new one installed.

Trustee Dannette called an Executive Session and they all went into it privately.

Trustee Wintermute shared a complaint from a resident on Philipps Road asking for a speed limit change.

  1. Zoning Report – Larry

Larry provided his monthly Zoning report.

Larry will be sure we have minutes from the Zoning meeting coming up on November 12.  All minutes and attendance to be taken at each meeting.  It is noted again that if no minutes are provided then the zoning meeting did not occur and cannot be part of the public record.

Complaint for 2168 Sportsman Club Road reviewed and discussed.  The Board of Trustees reviewed the proposed complaint prepared by the Licking County Prosecutors Office regarding the ongoing zoning violations.  There are 14 zoning violations.

Discussed the ongoing issue of junk cars and how to remove.

  1. Cemetery Report – Bev Hansel

Not in attendance.

  • Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey

Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity.  Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented.  Motion made by Trustee McInturff and seconded by Trustee Wintermute.

A spreadsheet of Road Expenses YTD provided to Trustees along with Regular monthly receipt and expense reports.

Fund 2272 has $12,069.90 remaining which needs to be spent by 12/31/24.  Planned usage will be for insulation and building repair to reduce heat costs.

Fund 2031 received a Resolution to Amend Appropriations today to pay wages.

Fund 2021 received a Resolution to Amend Appropriations for stone.

Shared general communication received for the month –

  • UAN Printer and Computer refresh
  • Licking County Landowner Meeting
  • Road Grader Loan paid off – officially received letter from Park National
  • Random Drug Testing – Bill Waller (alcohol)
  • Annual Brine Reporting needed and complete
  • SILCO Fire Services letter about change in relationship

Requested December’s meeting to start with a Budget Meeting at 6pm, with the    Regular meeting to follow at 7pm.

  1. Trustees Report

Trustees met with Roads Supervisor Bradd in the shop to assess the ceiling situation and review quotes provided to fix.  The one quote we have received needs additional detail and Trustee Wintermute will obtain this by next meeting.

Trustee Wintermute shared the offer we have been given on our Dump truck and a price quote on a new truck.  He will have them add the plow to the bid and discuss at the next meeting.

 Motion to Adjourn General Meeting at 9:00pm

    1. Moved by Trustee Dannette McInturff

Seconded by Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger


Home / Monthly Minutes / November 15, 2024