Home / Monthly Minutes / September 11, 2023
September 11, 2023
- Pledge of Allegiance
Dannette McInturff called to order the regular meeting of the McKean Township at 7:00pm on Monday, August 14th.
- Roll call and Guests Discussion
The following members were present:
- Trustee Jerry Schwartzenberger, Trustee Dannette McInturff, Trustee Jeff Wintermute, Fiscal Officer Lindsey Hoskinson, Assistant Bev Hansel, Zoning Inspector Larry Hansel, Maintenance Supervisor Bradd Bruce
- Not present: n/a
Wes Dodsworth, McKean Community Organization report. Expressed thanks for cutting tree in the way of the sign. Shared that the organization served food at the Utica Homecoming.
David Keener, Resident. Jim Gibson, Business Owner in township
- Township Roads Report – Bradd
Road Maintenance:
- Two new culverts ditching on Riley. One was completely full. Will continue ditching roads as needed. Mowing is almost done and they are starting to stock up on salt.
- Hankinson Road – Bradd expressed additional concerns about heavy trucks using the road. Dannette will contact the Engineers office regarding language for a sign.
- Dave Keener and Jim Gibson have some feedback on the roads and additional work that needs completed.
- Zoning Report – Larry
Larry attached his Zoning activity for the month of August. Attached w/ Minutes.
Larry reviewed questions from residents with the Trustees.
- Cemetery Report – Bev
Bev is picking up a sign for the Cemetery to direct people to Lots. This will be paid for from the ARPA Funds.
Jerry will reach out to Eydie Keim regarding the grave being moved. We have had no further communication from the Resident regarding the exhumation of her fathers ashes.
Trustees suggested Bev post notice on McKean Township Facebook page regarding empty plots. Bev also asked about a way to mark graves with no headstones, so that we can mark where people are buried. Jeff suggested metal markers that can be mowed over and removed once a headstone goes in place.
We have discussed signage at the new cemetery (Jeff will work on a quote).
Bev and Connie are halfway done with the Cemetery project. She has contacted 5 of her 4-H members who need community service hours who will clean the headstones as well. She will need to purchase spray bottles, etc.
The older cemetery needs weeds cleaned out and then a fence installed.
- Fiscal Officer Report – Lindsey
September minutes were reviewed and approved. Moved by Dannette, seconded by Jerry.
Trustees and Fiscal Officer reviewed and approved prior months Receipts, Payments, and Fund Activity. Also reviewed and approved paying all electronic bills and all checks presented. Motion made by Jeff and seconded by Jerry.
- Trustees Report
Discussed wages of employees, the employee manual, and performance reviews.
Jeff moved that we raise wages $1 per hour for both employees to start in next pay period. Jerry will provide the evaluation form and Jeff will conduct the evaluations. Dannette seconded it. Further raises based on performance evaluation results to be compiled within 60 days. Motion passed.
Jerry shared 2 business cards for Tree Services.
Motion to Adjourn General Meeting
- Moved by Dannette McInturff
- Seconded by Jeff Wintermute
Home / Monthly Minutes / September 11, 2023