September 9, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session September 9, 2019 with Trustees Wintermute, McInturff, Schwartzenberger, and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call. After the pledge to the flag, the trustees started the meeting with the zoning report. Zoning- Zoning Inspector Stan Robinson gave his monthly report to the trustees. Two agriculture barn permits were…

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August 12, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session August 12, 2019 with all trustees and fiscal officer answering roll call.  After the pledge to the flag by the group, the meeting was opened to the audience. AUDIENCE-Two residents from Phillips Road were present asking for work to be done on the hill on their road. …

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July 8, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session July 8, 2019 with Trustees Wintermute, Schwartzenberger and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call. Trustee McInturff arrived a few minutes late.  After the pledge to the flag, the chairman moved onto the audience. AUDIENCE-Casey Curtis, Granville Township Fire Chief, was present with the 6 month report on…

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June 10, 2019

The McKean Trustees met in regular session June 10, 2019 with Trustee Schwartzenberger,  McInturff, Wintermute, and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call. Also attending were Terry Holtz, road supervisor and Stanley Robinson, zoning inspector.  After the pledge to the flag and noting we had no audience attending, the Trustees moved on to their reports for…

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May 13, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met for the regular meeting May 13, 2019 with Trustees Wintermute, McInturff, Schwartzenberger, and Fiscal Officer Ellas answering roll call.  After the pledge to the flag, the chairman opened the floor to the audience. AUDIENCE-Stanley Robinson was present applying for the zoning inspector position.  He has worked with zoning for Johnstown,…

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April 8, 2019

The McKean Township Trustees met in regular session April 8, 2019 with Trustee Wintermute, McInturff, Schwartzenberger, and Fiscal Officer answering roll call.  After the pledge to the flag the chairman addressed the audience. Audience-Licking County Prosecutor William Hayes and Dan Vanoy were present to discuss the right procedure to collect outstanding property taxes and possibly…

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